1. Lecture series in colleges

In the School For Democracy lecture series we invite eminent faculties from different walks of life to share their views on current topics. Aim of the lecture series is to spread awareness about socio-economic and political issues among students. We have collaborated with various colleges to conduct these lecture series and have seen active participation from college students. 

  1. Culture and democracy

SFD in collaboration with artists and artisans from across India organises series of workshops, lectures, and performances that explore concepts of democracy, secularism and equality through art and culture. The historical context of cultural democracy will be brought back to relevance to create awareness over the pressing need to preserve, protect and promote cultural diversity, and the right to culture and faith for everyone in our society. Through these collaborations SFD will also delve into understanding the use of art and culture as an important tool in democratic governance. 

  1. Memorial lectures

SFD conducts memorial lecture series in memory of various eminent persons who have throughout their lives contributed to strengthening our democracy.

  • Ajit Bhattacharjea Memorial Lecture – Once a year

Loktantrashala (School For Democracy) organized the Ajit Bhatacharjea Memorial lecture on 1st February, 2013. The lecture was organized at the Pink City Press club. Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi gave a lecture – ‘Neta, Netritva aur Netagiri’. The lecture was attended by supporters of the RTI movement in Rajasthan and various other dignitaries in Jaipur. This memorial lecture will be organized every year as a Loktantrashala (School For Democracy) initiative. It was an interactive session with Shri Gopal Gandhi on the legacy of Gandhi. Students attended this session from schools and colleges and got a chance to ask questions from the Shri Gopal Gandhi. The students were given an opportunity to ask relevant questions to which Shri Gopal Gandhi gave apt answers. Apart from students various academicians and activist also attended the session. The idea is to start interactive sessions in Jaipur similar to the sessions held in Delhi.

  • P.K Dey Memorial Lecture – Once a year

The School for Democracy organized the first P.K Dey Memorial lecture on the 2nd of April, 2016  at the Indian Institute of Human Settlements ( IIHS) city campus, Bangalore, titled-”Discussing Security and Insecurity in our Democratic framework- transparency and Accountability in Defense.”  The talk was delivered by Former Chief of naval Staff Admiral Ramdas. It was attended by defense personnel and their families, students from various universities in Bengaluru and concerned citizenry of the city, who came with questions regarding defense expenditure, provisions for defense personnel and their families, and matters of transparency in the finances and functioning of the defense forces. The question answer session was chaired by moderated by Aruna Roy. This lecture was a part of the ‘Democracy Lecture Series’ of the School for Democracy, and the ‘P.K.Dey Memorial Lectures on Transparency in Defence & Security’ , by the School for Democracy.